Wednesday, August 31, 2011



Adjective: (esp. of something written or spoken) Briefly and clearly expressed."

Historically, I have no patience.
This is not to be confused with tolerance, but I can't say I'm really overflowing with that lately either.
The heat of this Texas summer has reduced both to less than zero.
I'm irritated by everything lately, and my usually succinct approach to communications is bordering on just plain rudeness.
Apologies to those that have had to endure this... really.
I've stood behind my chair, listening to my client's stories, which overall have been quite pleasant, and I feel like my cynical outlook lately has been a major turn-off... and I haven't been able to flip the switch back to my less cynical, silver-lining seeing self.
I'm getting on my own nerves lately!
Here's to hoping that the change of season brings a change of attitude. :-)

One thing that I've been guilty of, my whole life, has been projecting my problem with a situation or person or thing onto another situation...
or person...
or thing.
If something's bothering me, I will take it out in another way that is usually a complete 180 from what the actual culprit is.
This is sometimes unfair to the poor soul that steps in my line of fire,
or the treadmill,
but I'm fairly sure that I'm terrible at hiding anything.
The truth always comes out, and I usually owe Heather B. an apology for being too curt with her. (Sorry!)

What's been bugging me the most is that I have NOTHING to complain about or be worked up over.
I've spent this summer being successful at my job, but more importantly ENJOYING the beginning of a relationship.
I have a boyfriend, and he unfortunately probably thinks I hate everyone and have a fatalistic outlook on life. This is of course NOT true, but my lack of patience and tolerance I'm sure shows him otherwise.

Nonetheless, I've enjoyed bonding with him, sharing struggles and successes, and building a foundation that I hope grows into a solid, long-term partnership. :-)
He's an awesome guy that really makes me want to be a kinder and gentler person to the general public, and his kindness and sincerity are seriously infectious. The way he and his friends regard each other is admirable, and seeing this behavior makes me want to call all of my friends and family to tell them how much I appreciate them...
Alas, I'm not patient enough to do that... ;-)

Bring on the new season. I'm ready to start a change of mindset, and show everyone that (maybe through gritted teeth) I do indeed have patience.
My problems are not problems. My life is good, and I think its time to let that side of me shine a little more.
