Thursday, September 3, 2009

Slipping Through The Cracks

So I have this weird neighbor.. he's obviously mentally ill. He looks homeless, even though he's not. He NEVER wears shoes, and Ryan's even seen him wearing a skirt @ the bus stop once. He bears a STRONG resemblance to Charles Manson. But he is always nice and says kind things to me, and I always hold the door open for him if I see him (he never seems to have his key) and I always ask if he's having a good day.. It makes me sad that so many people overlook people like this, just keep going as though they don't exist.

I know I feel this way also largely because my own mother will probably be in this boat at some point, herself. She already carries so many bags around with her that she looks like a bag lady.. And just by looking at her, you can tell she's not right. It's very depressing. My mother is so mentally ill that she is beyond help; she truly needs to be in a home. I am not capable of caring for her; she needs professionals. But she's so ill she thinks that nothing is wrong with her, and due to legalities, she has consistently slipped through the cracks. And she will continue to do so, until she perishes due to lack of care. She cannot properly take care of herself and will not allow anyone to help her. My hands are TIED. I've done everything I can in the way of getting her help and she refuses it, and unless she is homicidal or suicidal, there is nothing anyone can (or WILL) do.

I have had to keep my contact with her at a minimum to preserve my own sanity. I hate having to do that with my own mother, but over the past 32 years, I have learned the hard way that it is the only way it can be done.

It's a gut-wrenching situation all around. I hate to get so serious, but I am a firm believer in mental health awareness, and I want the stigma REMOVED. I want people to stop making jokes and start helping people. I want people to know it's okay to get help for themselves. Getting help is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of bettering yourself.

Here is a link for more information!