I am.... And for so many reasons.
This time of year always gets me. Up. Down. Reflective. Forward thinking.
I have a lot to be thankful for this past year, and as much as I have had struggles and tragedies personally... I have also learned great strength, patience, and most importantly the purpose of friendship.
I could have EASILY pushed everyone away from me, but as always, my true friends and my family have persevered through all my craziness and stood by me: Being fucked up. Rehab. The long process of beginning to feel like ME again... finding out that the me I DIDN'T like wasn't so different from the me that I DO. Being edgy, and jumping to conclusions. Basically running the gamut of emotions and still they did not write me off.
I LOVE my peeps!
2010 I suspect is going to be full of new beginnings and tying up loose ends, not just for me but everyone. New directions and ways of thinking.
I've seen so much growth in other people this year that I can't possibly imagine that all the hard work some of us have endured would end anytime soon... just maybe a little easier with more emotional payoff.
I look forward to continuing to share these trials with you. Sometimes they suck the big one, sometimes its so worth it at the end of the day you forget there was any strife at all.
For once my goals/resolutions seem attainable and realistic, yet still challenging.
I see a very significant other in my future as well. Life is good!
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