Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yesterday I had a near heart attack, as my 7 year old jumped on me, causing me to spill Diet Dr Pepper all over my 3 month old laptop.

This is bad because I work from home and my laptop is my life support. If I have no laptop, I cannot work, if I cannot work, I make no money, etc.

So I was... UPSET. To say the least.

I had to go buy another one with money I don't have and that has me a little stressed out even though that'll be taken care of soon. This was an emergency.

But I realized, I got off easy. My son jumped on me to give me a hug and accidentally caused this horrible accident that's put me in debt. But when I was a bratty ass teenager, I used to run up $600 phone bills calling my pen pals in other states (before nationwide long distance on your cell phone was common, or even before cell phones were common!) and I never got my ass beat. And I totally should have. I would be through the ROOF if Ian did that.

And all he did was try to give me a hug.

I feel like a giant jackass. I'll take the temporary debt.


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