Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Long story short...

It seems sometimes to come in waves, but sobriety (and the need for it) always pops up in ways that may not always be unexpected, but surprising who admits it. I got a call yesterday from a young girl that I've only known for about 6 months. We met because she was working with this really flakey woman who kept asking her to call me to reschedule a photoshoot... I started doing her hair, and long story short: She's now my client and neither one of us work with the flake. I set her up with someone else that could help guide her career and get her started in this crazy industry we call 'FASHION"...! LOL

ANYHOW, I did her hair a few weeks ago and noticed right away something was off. She always seemed a bit spacey, but not in an airhead or dumb way. This is usually indicative of drug/alcohol abuse. An otherwise intelligent and "together" person ceases to make sense, or only catches every other word being said. I took control of the conversation. I went to the dark side and shared some of MY story with her... she knew I had been sober for 13 months, but I never really told her some of the really BAD stuff. I figured that I shouldn't pull an "Intervention" approach, so I just started telling her things about my drinking life. Like seizures. Like breakups. Like losing everything and now working hard to get it back. Like the daunting task of taking control back of MY LIFE.
She called me yesterday from rehab, thanking me for saving her. She almost died the night I did her hair last. She was taking 20 mgs of Xanax everyday!!! That is a TON!!! And she was drinking A LOT with it. Now, I know I didn't save her... she is doing that for herself, but to know that my story/experience in that big, bad world could inspire her to do better for herself... it feels good. All this Shane stuff, and the hassles of everyday life, it all comes into perspective in the big picture... If I don't have the foundation of sobriety, all the progress I've made is erased. I won't be able to share my story with anyone, or inspire anyone else to help themselves.
I love my life now. Even though it's hard sometimes to feel like any of the crap that I do is worthwhile.... Every once in a while the Universe throws a situation, or in this case an actual person, my way... not to test me, but to GIVE me an opportunity to give back.
Pay attention to the signs, they guide you to the place(s) you're supposed to be.
