Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Really tired of the evil eye. My red string bracelet fell off (as its supposed to) a few months ago, and I think I need another one.

Gossip and insults are just people's insecurity about saying what they REALLY feel to your face.
I'm all about sugar-coating if need be, but at least get it out in the open so the accused can defend their self!
Hell, I'm as judgmental as the next person, but at least I try to put myself in their place before I start sending them up the river. You never know what someone's motivation is... unless they tell you. I try to be open and sometimes I explain to a fault what motivates me to make decisions about MY life.
I fear retreating into that "other world" where everything is all shiny and happy on the outside, and the inside is a big, fucked up mess.
Been there, done that.

Sorry, had to vent a little.
