Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ain't nobody gonna rain on my parade...

For the first time in a long time I'm content. I'm more (but never totally) relaxed. There are still a few bumps in the road with family/relationship/single guy stuff, but everything else is great. I know the rules and what's expected of me, so I can move forward knowing that if I step out of line, there are consequences. Historically, I've never just pushed the envelope... I tore into it. A subtler approach is more my style now. Don't get me wrong, I'll still never tell you what you want to hear, I'm just a bit more thoughtful in my delivery.

Work is beyond great... I'm very happy at Pure Spa, and that makes ALL the difference in the world to a Capricorn like me. Happy at work=Happy with life.
My new 'relaxed' self has made peace with the demons that have haunted me... My heart is still fractured in a few places, but they're mending nicely. Nothing takes the past away, like the future.
Reaching and setting new goals for myself has been a big boost in my confidence as well. I can, without fear of lying, call myself an expert in a couple of fields... Hair is one (of course), and giving advice is another (or so the feedback would lead me to believe)...
I'm enjoying seeing people close to me change, grow, and blossom into better versions of the people they already were. Meeting new people, shunning the shyness that has plagued me socially for years, and losing some of the bravado that maybe made me come across as not genuine.
I'm enjoying life's hurdles, crossing off things on my 'to do' list, and sharing my new views and outlook with new friends and old favorites.
On paper my situation doesn't really look or seem ideal for bringing about happiness or contentment, but it has.... I'm still walking uphill, but for once I'm not looking for a shortcut or getting impatient trying to get there. I still complain about it, and probably always will, but its not the pessimistic outlook I used to have going into a challenge. Things have and will happen for reasons that I'm not aware of yet, and when the answers do come or the reasons become clear, I suspect a really big Light will be shining above my head. In the meantime, I've learned to navigate pretty well in the dark.




Heather B said...
