Wednesday, August 4, 2010

do you care who I marry?

I'm a Gay American. I've been in some serious relationships (some that COULD) have resulted in marriage, if it were legal. They probably would've ended in divorce, too.

That aside, I'm mystified by the *religious* aspect to some people's opinions on this matter of Human Rights. Its about love between 2 people.
As far as I know, you have to obtain a license from a government agency to get married... hence the term 'legal'. Separation of church and state is the foundation of this country. Come to think of it, you have to have a license, or some form of credentials, to do ANYTHING.... except have children. That's another topic I WON'T be covering here. :-)
It really seems silly that 2 men or 2 women wanting to obtain a legally binding document that 1 man and 1 woman can obtain, could somehow diminish what THEIR union means to THEM.
Most people I know are unopposed to gay marriage... and I'd be friends with them even if they did oppose it,
but my question is:
What does someone else's marriage have to do with your's?
It doesn't. That's why we enter into these kinds of monogamous relationships in the first place, right?
I've known PLENTY of people that I see together and just scratch my head wondering what the hell do they have in common... BUT it really isn't my business what makes them tick, what makes them partner up for the long haul together, as long as they're happy and have an understanding between each other. I'm sure MANY of my friends have thought the same about me and an ex or 2... What the hell was I thinking? LOL!
If love is blind (as the old saying goes) does it matter if you're attracted to the same gender?

The thing that differentiates homosexuality from other equal rights issues is that it encompasses EVERY RACE, CULTURE, RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION, etc... It is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. It transcends all of the other (for lack of a better term) black and white issues. When you see so many different types of people sharing ONE thing in common, how is it UNNATURAL? If we were meant to all get along and understand each other's differences, we would be in a very peaceful and BORING world.

I used to say "It's not a choice. Why would I CHOOSE this life?"... and it's not a choice, but at this point in my life, I'm GLAD it CHOSE me. I've had the opportunity to know true and beautiful love in my life. And if some people don't "understand" it, that's cool. If some people don't "believe in" it, that's cool too...

If or when I find love again, I hope that it will be my RIGHT to get married to HIM.
I'm not super political or at all religious, but I am an American. I should have all the equalities afforded everyone else. Hopefully today in California and the other states that already allow gay marriage/civil unions will generate an interest in people understanding or at the very least accepting each other for what we are... HUMAN. With rights.

peace be with us all-



Heather B said...

Beautifully said.


Ryanmad said...

Thanks, girl!

Unknown said...

I would be giving you a standing ovation.. People need to "MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS".. LOL!! ;)